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Ceaseless Abbi Glines Pdf Free Download

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 · 32,104 ratings  · 1,656 reviews
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Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession
I liked this one better than book 2. I liked the stolen memories plot. I will say that Pagan's Soul's mate was a total loser. Who the hell would want Jay's cheating whoring ass for a mate. Just saying! I loved the wrap up of the series. I was glad to see Miranda get a HFN. I also enjoyed all the sweet moments with Pagan and Dank. Overall this was a cute YA read. I liked this one better than book 2. I liked the stolen memories plot. I will say that Pagan's Soul's mate was a total loser. Who the hell would want Jay's cheating whoring ass for a mate. Just saying! I loved the wrap up of the series. I was glad to see Miranda get a HFN. I also enjoyed all the sweet moments with Pagan and Dank. Overall this was a cute YA read. ...more
Teresa Mary Rose
More Reviews Here: Readers Live A Thousand Lives

Ceaseless was an emotional rollercoaster and one that I loved. It was by far my favorite in this series and I was blown away by how much I enjoyed it. Also Pepe is on the cover so let us all take a moment to appreciate his lovely appearance. Any book with Pepe on it immediately draws my attention.

If I am being completely honest (which I always endeavor to be with my reviews) I was very leery going into Ceaseless. After reading the summary I was al

More Reviews Here: Readers Live A Thousand Lives

Ceaseless was an emotional rollercoaster and one that I loved. It was by far my favorite in this series and I was blown away by how much I enjoyed it. Also Pepe is on the cover so let us all take a moment to appreciate his lovely appearance. Any book with Pepe on it immediately draws my attention.

If I am being completely honest (which I always endeavor to be with my reviews) I was very leery going into Ceaseless. After reading the summary I was all "oh come on! Really?" The last two books had a love triangle and then we finally get rid of Leif and then we have to deal with Jay now. I felt like it was such a typical way to go and just another way of including the ever annoying love triangle. However I am happy to admit that I was wrong. Abbi did a fabulous job with this and while I was frustrated at points with the characters I did love the story.

I think the reason I was able to enjoy this love triangle was the way Abbi handled it. By having Pagan lose her memories, it made it understandable. If the love triangle had erupted with Pagan remembering everything about Dank it would have been ridiculous. I would have never believed for a second that Pagan would have second thoughts concerning Dank after everything they had been through together. However, because she couldn't remember, it made it believable that she might have her attention divided. It also made her moments with Dank sweeter. Oh and speaking of Dank, watching him was heartbreaking. He had to see Pagan go on dates with another guy and he had to watch her not remember anything about him. I just wanted to hug him for the majority of the book.

One again Pagan and Dank have an incredibly sweet romance, despite the obstacles in their way. Dank is 100% devoted to Pagan and that just makes him very sexy and endearing and lovable. However he does have a tendency to be very dark and broody, but that just adds to his charm I think. He is damn near perfect in the paranormal fictional boyfriend department.

Like I said, this book is an emotional rollercoaster, but in the best way possible. You will go from happy to sad to frustrated over and over. There are moments that will break your heart and then moments that will turn you into a puddle of goo. I loved every single change in emotion I experienced and it is easy to become absorbed in this story. I am sad to see this series end, but the way it ended was absolutely perfect in my opinion.

All in all this is a great book and a great series in general. Abbi created a great world where Death is a person and she crafted a wonderful story around it. I will forever be thankful to the list on goodreads with all the books that have Pepe and Sztella on the cover. It is what first introduced me to this series and I immediately loved it. Please do yourself a favor and read this series.

Jennifer Kyle
Sep 02, 2015 rated it really liked it
"I need you to remember me."


This final book in the series starts with a shocking scenario as Pagan Moore's memories of Leif, Dank, Gee have all been wiped clean. For Dank to truly have her, she must choose him while her high school boyfriend of three years (her soulmate) is brought back into the picture as she and Miranda attend their first year of Boone University. The story is told in alternating POVS of Pagan and Dank and was an exciting quick read.

"When a soul is created, so is its m

"I need you to remember me."


This final book in the series starts with a shocking scenario as Pagan Moore's memories of Leif, Dank, Gee have all been wiped clean. For Dank to truly have her, she must choose him while her high school boyfriend of three years (her soulmate) is brought back into the picture as she and Miranda attend their first year of Boone University. The story is told in alternating POVS of Pagan and Dank and was an exciting quick read.

"When a soul is created, so is its mate. In every lifetime those souls find each other. They complete the other's destiny. It's time for Pagan's soul to choose if she truly wants an eternity at Death's side or if she wants the mate created just for her."

The story was well done, still I'm left feeling that Leif wasn't that bad and questioned her weird vibes from a entity that was there throughout her childhood when she needed someone the most.

Jay Potts is in a fraternity and has been living the manwhore lifestyle as he is in his sophomore year at a nearby college. Dank competing against Jay for Pagan's love was very interesting. Miranda's love life takes a positive turn in this final book as does Pagan's future.

"Death can't help what fate decides."

Overall, this final book wraps up the story well although a bit too quickly and

I was left still feeling a bit bad for Leif. Pagan's future is decided by the powers that be and the series ends on a positive note.

"I knew then that I had never understood what humans called love. But that if it was anything close to the power Pagan held over me, then no wonder they searched for it so passionately."

Stacia (the 2010 club)
Some implied face-palming may be present in this review.

...and here we come full circle, back to the rating that I gave for the first book - a hesitant 2.5 stars. I had high hopes for Ceaseless, especially after being pleasantly surprised by the second book and the extra PoV after book 2.

When I picked this up, I was hoping for a fun night with some sexual brain candy. While I did manage to get a helping of brain candy, it didn't make up for the rest of the story.

*Very mild spoilers ahead, but t

Some implied face-palming may be present in this review.

...and here we come full circle, back to the rating that I gave for the first book - a hesitant 2.5 stars. I had high hopes for Ceaseless, especially after being pleasantly surprised by the second book and the extra PoV after book 2.

When I picked this up, I was hoping for a fun night with some sexual brain candy. While I did manage to get a helping of brain candy, it didn't make up for the rest of the story.

*Very mild spoilers ahead, but there's hopefully nothing that would ruin the book, so you could probably read these*

Was there even a point in having Leif's PoV when his story abruptly stopped after 2.5? I'm not sure why this bothered me, but it did. Book 3 felt like a tacked-on installment. We go back to the Jay "whatever that was" part of this mess, which had no real merit because his part in the story was filler. Leif pops in "just because," but isn't really present with what's going on. Everything about this book felt like it could have been pieced out and included in book 2 and in Leif's PoV. Either that, or 2.5 should never have happened. I can't really put my finger on what went wrong here, but book 3 felt like its own separate entity not attached to the trilogy.

So now what happens to Leif? Does he even get another story? If not, then I fail to see the point of his make us like him, then drop him on his ass?

The typos were pretty bad in this book. Although, I'm now curious to see what pick high heels would look like.

It's nice to see that I'll never, ever, ever run out of books that will provide me with an ongoing supply of "love is a drug" references. Are you all surprised that I can't seem to go more than a few books without finding the mention somewhere? And here it is : This could become a drug for me so easily if I let it.

Coupled with the instance that Death was stalking Pagan in her room and would have stuck around without her knowing while she at least partially (maybe even completely) was like a bad, bad Twilight flashback. Because you know, he's DEATH and all...he gets to take liberties as he so chooses.

This may be invading her privacy, but I was Death, dammit. I should get some privileges.

Why not a 1 star rating? The book actually was fun, mindless brain candy. It was a cute enough love story. Even though I thought the ending was much too convenient, I did enjoy the actual moments when Pagan and Dank (still can't get over those names) were together. It was a lot of the "extra" stuff that I could have done without.

In conclusion :

~ A happy ending does not automatically make a story good.

~ A long-awaited sex scene does not automatically make a story appealing.

~ This trilogy took off in too many directions for me to feel satisfied over how it ended.

~The phrases "dad-gum" and "hot-as-hell" do not belong in the same sentence.

That is all.

Oct 20, 2012 rated it did not like it

This was awful. The story line was fucking ridiculous - Pagan's memories of Dank are erased by some sort of deity bitch (she literally came out of nowhere, why bother introducing a character properly when it's so much easier not to eh?). Pagan's memories were taken away so she could have a fair chance of getting together with her soulmate, Jay. The fact that Jay and Pagan already dated for 3 years, broke up and moved on didn't even seem to cross the deity bitch's mind. Anyway Dank is nat


This was awful. The story line was fucking ridiculous - Pagan's memories of Dank are erased by some sort of deity bitch (she literally came out of nowhere, why bother introducing a character properly when it's so much easier not to eh?). Pagan's memories were taken away so she could have a fair chance of getting together with her soulmate, Jay. The fact that Jay and Pagan already dated for 3 years, broke up and moved on didn't even seem to cross the deity bitch's mind. Anyway Dank is naturally heartbwoken that his pwecious Pagan doesn't remember him so he broods, growls and whines about the injustice of it all and he sets about winning her back before she's sullied by her good for nothing slutty slutterson of a soulmate.

The worst thing about the book (apart from the fact that the hero's called Dank) was Pagan. I hated her, she was a judgmental bitch and a boring goody two shoes..ugh. How the fuck she was a virgin, I don't know — she went out with Jay for 3 years and did nothing but kiss him even though they were hormonal teenagers, were in love and were soulmates. How was that even possible?! Why didn't they have sex? Its beyond unrealistic that they did nothing more than kiss in the 3 years they were together..ugh.
Moving on, Pagan sounded like an old fashioned elderly woman most of the time instead of a teenager — she didn't care about her appearance, she thought guys in bands were bad news, she judged what other girls wore and how they behaved, she hated going to parties and didn't want to experience college life. She was a rubbish character — she had no charm, a crap personality, she thought she was better than all the other girls and she was just unlikeable. Her attitude was so fucking annoying, she looked down at girls who had a sex life and liked to dress up — what was she a fucking grandma from the bastard olden days?!

I hated how the other female characters were depicted, her best friend Miranda seemed more interesting — she was upbeat, liked to have fun and immersed herself in college life. However because Pagan was narrating, she was made out to be shallow, materialistic and idiotic. All the other female character came across as slutty bitches - I would have preferred one of the 'slutty bitches' narrating rather than the frigid cow Pagan because at least they had a life and a personality. Pagan was such a dull, cliched Mary Sue.

Dank seriously made Edward Cullen look like good boyfriend material. I have to admit that there was a time or two that his devotion to Pagan was kind of sweet but mostly it was just cringey and cheesy. He was overly controlling and psychotic — he hated if Pagan dressed too sexily, if she went out and if she talked to other guys..ugh.

How the hell were Jay and Pagan even soulmates?? 1. Pagan didn't even like Jay 2. Jay couldn't stop fucking other girls 3. They didn't have any connection at all. 4. Pagan wasn't even torn about who she wanted: Dank - a guy who was now a stranger to her or Jay - her soulmate.
What was the point of Jay when he was wasn't even a serious contender for Pagan's heart?! Not once did Pagan want to be with Jay. He wasn't a threat to Dank and Pagan's super speshul wuv. Just because we were told he was her soulmate (even though there was no evidence to suggest that this was true — surely soulmates have to at least be attracted to one another?!) didn't suddenly make things angsty or make Pagan and Dank's wuv more forbidden or make an awesome love triangle. All it did was make me roll my eyes, it was the lamest 'love triangle' ever.

On a different note, I thought the writing was poor and the dialogue was weird and didn't flow very well. It was like no effort at all was put into the book.

A bloody awful book, and an even worse trilogy. I suspect they'll be a spin off to the series with Leif, no doubt he'll meet some boring, virginal, Mary Sue and they'll fall in wuv and fight bad guys and shit. I wouldn't mind reading a Leif series if the heroine was likeable, sexually experienced, powerful and somewhat evil — basically someone that would be Leif's equal in every way.

In conclusion, I'm glad the trilogy has finished, I deserve a bloody medal or something for finishing this shit.

May 29, 2012 rated it did not like it
Seriously NOT looking forward to this book.

What do you call it when a series is totally lame, and tedious to read, yet you still want to see how the story turns out, even though you can't stand the characters?

I must come up with a term to describe this phenomenon.

Update: Interesting way to reinvent the love story, I'll give her that. Romantic tension is always a crowd pleaser.

But besides that, this book is JUST LIKE every other college set story lately. (Seriously, they're all exactly the same.)

Seriously NOT looking forward to this book.

What do you call it when a series is totally lame, and tedious to read, yet you still want to see how the story turns out, even though you can't stand the characters?

I must come up with a term to describe this phenomenon.

Update: Interesting way to reinvent the love story, I'll give her that. Romantic tension is always a crowd pleaser.

But besides that, this book is JUST LIKE every other college set story lately. (Seriously, they're all exactly the same.)

Pretty much all the things that made the story original-- Death, death lists, Voodoo princes, etc.-- are significantly underutilized. They're mentioned a couple times, but to me, all that world building just fell apart and got swept under the rug. The story really isn't about all that anymore. The flimsy premise of book 3 isn't taken seriously by the author or the characters, and everything wraps up all too neatly in the end.

Whatever. It's over. I've been released from the series and will try to forget it ever happened.

P.S. What in the world is that preview for Glines' "New Adult Contemporary" in the back? Ew. Even if you rename the genre, it's still just trashy, grocery-store romance. Still no dignity in that.

Sarah Elizabeth
This was an okay story, but I didn't like it as much as the previous books in the series.

Pagan was an okay character, but her having her memory wiped was pretty irritating, and the fact that she didn't even recognise Dank was just like de-ja-vu from the first book!

The storyline in this could have been good, I thought that we'd at least get a juicy love triangle with Jay thrown into the mix, but it was just rubbish. Jay didn't fight for Pagan at all, and she didn't really care about him either, s

This was an okay story, but I didn't like it as much as the previous books in the series.

Pagan was an okay character, but her having her memory wiped was pretty irritating, and the fact that she didn't even recognise Dank was just like de-ja-vu from the first book!

The storyline in this could have been good, I thought that we'd at least get a juicy love triangle with Jay thrown into the mix, but it was just rubbish. Jay didn't fight for Pagan at all, and she didn't really care about him either, so the whole point of the book was a bit of a flop.

The ending to this was fairly happy, I just wish getting there had been more entertaining.

6.5 out of 10

May 04, 2012 marked it as to-read
He defied Heaven to keep her, he defeated evil to save her, but if her soul wants another... will he be able to let her go? Da faq? After all he did, she goes and falls in love with some other guy? Jeez, whattabitch, i would of just left her to die mate, you went to all that trouble to have her and now she wants someone else. Booooo you wh0re, now i don't even feel like starting the second book to read about his futile efforts. He defied Heaven to keep her, he defeated evil to save her, but if her soul wants another... will he be able to let her go? Da faq? After all he did, she goes and falls in love with some other guy? Jeez, whattabitch, i would of just left her to die mate, you went to all that trouble to have her and now she wants someone else. Booooo you wh0re, now i don't even feel like starting the second book to read about his futile efforts. ...more
Apr 09, 2012 rated it it was amazing
Seriously need to read this! Abbi Glines is soo good at cliff hangers I'll be dying of anticipation until the new one comes out! Buuut I am nervous about her falling out of love with Dank and falling in love with Jay, call me crazy but I want her to stay with Dank! In the first book they said there was a way, I'll be terribly sad if they dont end up together! Seriously need to read this! Abbi Glines is soo good at cliff hangers I'll be dying of anticipation until the new one comes out! Buuut I am nervous about her falling out of love with Dank and falling in love with Jay, call me crazy but I want her to stay with Dank! In the first book they said there was a way, I'll be terribly sad if they dont end up together! ...more
Jun 10, 2012 rated it it was amazing
Abbiiiiiiii!! I just love this woman! The Existence Trilogy has been one of my favorites since I first came across this series almost a year ago, with Dank and Pagan being two of my most-loved characters. I was anxiously awaiting this final book in the series to finally see them get their happy ending after all the torment and heartbreak, and WOW did Abbi Glines deliver!

I didn't read any of the teasers or blurbs for Ceaseless because I wanted to go in blind not knowing what the plot would be abo

Abbiiiiiiii!! I just love this woman! The Existence Trilogy has been one of my favorites since I first came across this series almost a year ago, with Dank and Pagan being two of my most-loved characters. I was anxiously awaiting this final book in the series to finally see them get their happy ending after all the torment and heartbreak, and WOW did Abbi Glines deliver!

I didn't read any of the teasers or blurbs for Ceaseless because I wanted to go in blind not knowing what the plot would be about. And I must say I was so very pleasantly surprised to see that Abbi had taken the story back to its roots!! Pagan's memories of Dank and her love for him were wiped clean, and in order to win her away from her soulmate Dank must start from scratch. Away at college with Miranda, Pagan runs into her ex Jay...who just happens to be the mate her soul was destined to be with. Dank knows that he has to let fate run it's course and let Pagan decide who her soul will choose, but he's determined to make it so he's always on her mind in the process. But stollen moments, a romantic date, and some steamy texts may not be enough when Dank's supernatural existence and a certain voodoo man's son are in the equation!!

This was such a perfect way to finish off this amazing series!! I was so excited when I started reading and saw that Ceaseless was going to be all about Dank using his sexy, flirtatious, heart-melting ways to make Pagan fall in love with him all over again. We once again get to experience the excitement and butterflies in their romance that we first saw in Existence, with some seriously steamy moments as Dank tried to stake his claim!! And the heartbreak and jealousy that comes with Jay worming his way back into Pagan's heart had me glued to the story, holding my breath for her to finally wake up and remember her true love! After all that Pagan and Dank had been through, I was so glad that this book wasn't about the thrill and chills; Glines goes back to the core of this series, the love story. Sure Death is Death and he's got a job to do, and there were a few surprising twists that had me biting my nails nervously, but Ceaseless concentrated more on Dank and Pagan's journey coming full-circle, and I loved it!!

I never doubted for one second that Abbi Glines would give her readers exactly what they wanted when this series came to a close. But I will freely admit that even I was never expecting just how racy she'd let this installment get, and it was magical!! Pagan and Dank's romance was so incredible in this story, and I absolutely loved that we get to watch it!! I ended my time reading this book with tears of joy in my eyes for these unforgettable characters! A must-read for any YA fans, grab up this series if you haven't already!!

WHAT. THE. HELL. I swear if Dank and Pagan don't end up together I'm gonna go crazy. I mean come on if a person/thing/death is willing to go to hell for you, and if your willing to never come back to earth for that person/thing/death you should end up with that person/thing/death! I feel like I'm gonna cry and punch something at the same time! Ceaseless better be good Abbi Glines...or else!
(kidding I'm not a for real physco you can chill) That is like my only complaint I am in love with the Exi
WHAT. THE. HELL. I swear if Dank and Pagan don't end up together I'm gonna go crazy. I mean come on if a person/thing/death is willing to go to hell for you, and if your willing to never come back to earth for that person/thing/death you should end up with that person/thing/death! I feel like I'm gonna cry and punch something at the same time! Ceaseless better be good Abbi Glines...or else!
(kidding I'm not a for real physco you can chill) That is like my only complaint I am in love with the Existence Trilogy, so anyone who might be discouraged by this don't be, Abbi Glines is a great author, I have no idea if (!!!but I really hope!!!) Dank and Pagan end up together!
Apr 12, 2012 rated it it was amazing
"I'm sick of the mopey shit. It is getting old. You can't mope for the rest of eternity. Especially when you didn't even fight for her. You drop the bomb on her that you end human life and then you expect her to accept you with open arms. This ain't a damn soap opera." -Gee

I was totally right!!!!!

I so knew what was going to happen.I was 100% sure.I knew that no matter what,no matter who she was with,Death would make sure his love,Pagan,remained happy.

It's Tuesday and although I finished Ceaseles

"I'm sick of the mopey shit. It is getting old. You can't mope for the rest of eternity. Especially when you didn't even fight for her. You drop the bomb on her that you end human life and then you expect her to accept you with open arms. This ain't a damn soap opera." -Gee

I was totally right!!!!!

I so knew what was going to happen.I was 100% sure.I knew that no matter what,no matter who she was with,Death would make sure his love,Pagan,remained happy.

It's Tuesday and although I finished Ceaseless yesterday I didn't have time to right a review.I loooooved this book so much.Despite being disappointed that I won't probably hear from Dank again,I'm so happy to finally read the spectacular end of the Existence Trilogy.I waited so long to read this book and I have to say that it was definitely wort it.
Let me begin by saying that the first chapter was very confusing but once I realised what was going on it was a piece of cake.I loved the fact that all the characters were present in Ceaseless.We saw Miranda and her "new boyfriend" Nathan,Gee,I absolutely adore her,Pagan's ex and only boyfriend Jay,a total j*** and of course Leif which despite my first impression proved to be such an a**.It was so disheartening.
As far as our main characters were concerned,Dank and Pagan have matured so much.We also "hear" new songs by him.I loved the way that after having gone through so many difficulties they finally succeded to find their happily ever after.
As much as I would like to read more,say a fourth book,I'm happy that everything turned out well.I have to admit that there was a scene that I got worried but I all went well.
I have nothing else to say other than that you should definitely read this book.It's worth reading and a must read.It's won't disappoint you!!!

First posted on:

Jun 27, 2012 marked it as to-read
NO, ABBI GLINES! NO! You can NOT turn into one of those authors who writes about people who love each other, but one of them gives up for "The other one's happiness"!!!!*points finger dramatically* I FORBID YOU! I can tell that Dank and Pagan Belong together and I haven't even read any of the books!YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO THEM!!!! NO, ABBI GLINES! NO! You can NOT turn into one of those authors who writes about people who love each other, but one of them gives up for "The other one's happiness"!!!!*points finger dramatically* I FORBID YOU! I can tell that Dank and Pagan Belong together and I haven't even read any of the books!YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO THEM!!!! ...more
Apr 04, 2012 rated it it was amazing
Whoa! What a way to finish off the series. I love this book and love how it all turned out. I really didn't know what to expect when I started reading it, but I can tell you that I was not disappointed at all. In fact, I wanted more and am saddened that this series has ended.

The story basically picks up a few days after Predestined, and Dank has to win Pagan all over again. You see, the Deity's have erased her memory, and it is up to Pagan to make the choice of whether she wants to be with Dank

Whoa! What a way to finish off the series. I love this book and love how it all turned out. I really didn't know what to expect when I started reading it, but I can tell you that I was not disappointed at all. In fact, I wanted more and am saddened that this series has ended.

The story basically picks up a few days after Predestined, and Dank has to win Pagan all over again. You see, the Deity's have erased her memory, and it is up to Pagan to make the choice of whether she wants to be with Dank forever, or choose the other fate that was meant for her, before Dank. Unknowingly, of course, Pagan starts college with no recollection of her life with Dank in it. At first I was like, 'no freaking way. Can't these two ever catch a break and just get on with being together.' But then as I read on, I really loved how Dank was trying to woo Pagan again, and by woo, I mean hold onto your knickers, or rather, rip them off cause Dank is a fine sexy beast. Oh my word. Abbi Glines really took it up a notch in this book, and of course she could, considering that Pagan was no longer in high school. Wows-a!! Talk about hot and steamy; sexy and sensual; and sweet and tender. Oh man, I would welcome death every time if it meant Dank Walker would strut his way into my life...RAWR. The tension was palpable and the temperature was rising. Pagan could not help but be consumed by Dank, once again, and who could blame her * about fanning yourself*

At times, even though I knew it was important for Pagan to experience all that she had to, in order to make the choice, I got extremely frustrated. Especially with Leif...arrggghhhh. Just when I thought they were rid of him, he had to butt in. I mean, seriously dude, get a clue why don't ya!! I was waiting for Gee to go voodoo on his arse, and believe me, she really wanted to. But, in the end, it really didn't matter.

I'm going to miss reading about Dank and Pagan, and Gee and Miranda. I love this series and it could not have finished off any better! Who cannot smile and be happy when the last line in the book is Pagan telling Dank to get naked...*oh swoon*...if you haven't read this series then I don't know what you are waiting for. It's HOT HOT HOT!! Love it!!

Apr 08, 2012 rated it it was amazing
Reread 6/8/15

I was very nervous how this book was going to play out but I had no reason to be. I loved Ceaseless. It was a great ending to the Existence trilogy. Dank was sexy and sweet as hell in this book. He had me falling in love with him all over again. Another great one by Abbi.

Feb 15, 2013 rated it did not like it
HOW is the average rating for this book 4.26 stars? How?? Who would consider this piece of shit worthy of freaking 4.26 stars????

One thing I found myself constantly doing while reading this book was yawning. Alot. This is one of those few times that I had to force myself to finish a book.

The first two books in the trilogy were decent, I guess I liked them. They were somewhat interesting. This book, on the other hand, wasn't even remotely interesting. I don't think there were any memorable moments

HOW is the average rating for this book 4.26 stars? How?? Who would consider this piece of shit worthy of freaking 4.26 stars????

One thing I found myself constantly doing while reading this book was yawning. Alot. This is one of those few times that I had to force myself to finish a book.

The first two books in the trilogy were decent, I guess I liked them. They were somewhat interesting. This book, on the other hand, wasn't even remotely interesting. I don't think there were any memorable moments, or any parts that kept me intrigued.

One of the main reasons I disliked this book was the fact that it lost its paranormal feel to it. Ya, there were a few scenes that had some sort of paranormal in it, but other than that, most of the book was dedicated to Dank getting Pagan back.

Okay, I like romance, but I also like some action mixed in with that. I came into this series thinking it would be an enjoyable story about souls and all -which the first two books kind of achieved- but all it was about was Pagan and Dank's relationship.

Just to give you an idea, here is a breakdown of the book: (view spoiler)[With maybe a bit of exaggeration (hide spoiler)]

- Dank and Pagan making out: 50%(view spoiler)[Dank was a total stranger to Pagan at the time, by the way (hide spoiler)]
- Miranda being annoying as hell (Seriously. In the first two books she was not this annoying): 10%
- Drama (I swear it was like a freakin soap opera): 10%
- Pagan thinking about how hot Dank is: 15%
- Dank thinking about how hot Pagan is: 15%
- Anything anywhere near being considered "interesting": 0.000001%

*Please excuse me while I go bang my head on my desk.*

And Pagan. Oh, you stupid immature girl who thinks everyone is stupid except yourself. Just a tip: at least try to notice your

idiocy flaws rather than complain about how "bad" everyone is. Its not preschool, hun, you're in college for God's sake. Just because you're a virgin doesn't make everyone else a slut. Jeez.

(view spoiler)[ I wish I counted how many times she complained about how Jay cheated on his girlfriend or whatever. From how many times she brought it up, you would think that she still had feelings for him, even though she kept denying it. (hide spoiler)]

I really think the author just gave up on writing about Leif altogether. The few times that he showed up in this book, I felt like he was such a loser. Not only that, but he didn't make any contribution to the story-line. He would just show up and then automatically disappear. He was just so insignificant in this book.

I would have gave this book 3 stars if there was at least some sort of connection between Pagan and Jay. If Pagan had feelings for Jay, it would have made this book a lot more suspenseful, because then Dank would have had to fight for Pagan's heart.

And that ending. Ugh. I groan every time I think about it. It just seemed too... easy. I was expecting more fighting, more action, especially since it is the last book in the series. They were basically served their Happily Ever After on a freakin' golden platter.

There was this part that REALLY pissed me off.
So Dank was stalking

Idiot Pagan and secretly watching her in her dorm room. He didn't care that she was undressing and pretty much naked, he didn't CARE about privacy. He justified his action by saying that he's Death and apparently that automatically entitles him to creepily stare at a teenage girl undressing.
WTF IS HIS PROBLEM? If I found out a guy did that to me, I would have smacked him upside the head, got the hell away from him, and reported him to the police. But its okay, you know, because he's Death.


So you see, this last book in the trilogy was just pointless. A

piece of crap horrible ending to a series. If you are expecting an awesome paranormal, you will be greatly disappointed.
Apr 03, 2017 rated it it was ok
"Death can't help what fate decides."

I love that this wasn't the love triangle I thought it would be. It was just good ol' fashion woo'ing of a college girl. But the last book didn't wow me anymore than the previous books in the series. It was cute, light and quick read.

"Death can't help what fate decides."

I love that this wasn't the love triangle I thought it would be. It was just good ol' fashion woo'ing of a college girl. But the last book didn't wow me anymore than the previous books in the series. It was cute, light and quick read.

Apr 09, 2012 rated it really liked it
"You know that the soul has a mate. If her soul is to exist for an eternity then the soul must choose you over the mate created as its other half."

"The soul has seen too much. She knows more than a soul should know. She can't keep her memories. The choice will be an unfair one if she does."

"If you want her, Dankmar, then you have to win her heart from the soul made to be her mate. Only then will it be possible for you to keep her for eternity.
must pass this test." - The Deity

"Trust me, Da

"You know that the soul has a mate. If her soul is to exist for an eternity then the soul must choose you over the mate created as its other half."

"The soul has seen too much. She knows more than a soul should know. She can't keep her memories. The choice will be an unfair one if she does."

"If you want her, Dankmar, then you have to win her heart from the soul made to be her mate. Only then will it be possible for you to keep her for eternity.
must pass this test." - The Deity

"Trust me, Dank Walker I will only have eyes for you. No one else even comes close." Pagan – Predestined.

And so begins the final instalment of the Existence trilogy. I've gotta confess, I did shiver a little bit when reading that prologue. Having no idea what this book was about, I got a shock when I read this, and then the book started and Pagan was starting College with Miranda, but with no memory of Dank whatsoever. He didn't take long to show up and start his quest to win her love all over again, but I couldn't help but wonder whether this plot twist was all so that the author could recreate the story of them falling for each other, but this time in College so their flirting could be smuttier than it was when they met the first time around?

Either way, it was a good story, with the usual laughs, drama and swoony moments. Even though Pagan has forgotten all about Dank, the love between them is still a very strong part of the story as we continue to get Dank's POV. Plus there's some steam in this one! It was unexpected, but well written, and had me cheering for our besotted lovers.

But what of poor Leif? Yes, he appears in the book but only very briefly and it's all really pointless! It kinda makes his novella – Leif – seem a bit pointless really. And I'm actually really disappointed that there was no resolution for his character.

But regardless, I did enjoy this book. I was expecting a little more excitement for the big finale but even though ended up being pretty tame it was still a satisfying finish to a series that I have really enjoyed, and I recommend it to anybody who is a fan of YA paranormal, and gorgeously romantic reapers.

3.5 stars – rounded up to 4 because Dank is just so damn hot!

✿ℎazℯℓ - thℯ ℛock Cℎick ℱairy✿
I don't know how to express just how happy I am about this series so I thought I could just divide my fangirlyness and write 'em all a letter.


Dear Ceaseless,

Thank you! You did not disappoint. You surpassed all of my expectations (and I expected A LOT). You made my day!!! I will never forget this series because of you! Yes you! You're my favorite book among the three, of course.



Dear Dank,

Hi! I'm a big fan! I am sooooo amazed by the things

I don't know how to express just how happy I am about this series so I thought I could just divide my fangirlyness and write 'em all a letter.


Dear Ceaseless,

Thank you! You did not disappoint. You surpassed all of my expectations (and I expected A LOT). You made my day!!! I will never forget this series because of you! Yes you! You're my favorite book among the three, of course.



Dear Dank,

Hi! I'm a big fan! I am sooooo amazed by the things that you did for Pagan in this book. I was always looking forward to your POVs! You're the best DEATH everrrr! I don't care how cheesy your lines are sometimes. I just love how possessive you are of Pagan. I love it when you get jealous and go all caveman! You're just too sexy for your own good! I was even feeling bad when Pagan didn't remember you... :(

Even though I was feeling bad that Pagan didn't remember you, I'm still happy because it was as if you were in the "courting stage" again. You were so very sweet to her even if she didn't know you. Jay didn't stand a chance! I mean really? Jay? LOL. You're way hotter and your scenes with Pagan were the best! Remember the time wherein she didn't remember you but you just had to kiss her again? I was smiling like an idiot then! How about the library scene? I just stared at that page and i'm telling you! It's burned in my memory now. Of course, how can I ever forget your together-again scene? IT'S PERFECT. YOU WERE BOTH PERFECT.

Anyway, I'm so happy because you were willing to break all rules for Pagan again. You were so focused on her and her alone that you made my heart (and a lot of other girls' hearts, i'm sure!) flutter, race, stop and RESTART. I am so happy that you got everything that you wanted and most of all... I'm so happy for your happily ever after. You guys deserve it!

I know that you're a fictional badass rockstar slash death.... and still, I'm your fan forever. ;p

xx Haze

P.S. Please tell Gee that she's the best ally ever! I love her quick wit. I love everything she did for Pagan and you in this book. Just tell her she rocks!


~~My first letter to Ceaseless when I first added it to my TBR list:

Dear Ceaseless,

I promise not to be tempted to read Predestined before you arrive. See you on September! I know you'll be an awesome read! ツ


Sep 16, 2012 rated it it was amazing
Note:May contain some spoilers!


OMG!Omg!Ceaseless is here..OMG!!

I LOVE the cover..i think i love all the three covers...they hold a mystery to be unfolded..but this one was best!

I have been waiting for Ceaseless for such long time that i didn't waste time and read the whole book in one sitting...and it was totally worth loosing my study time for a few hours.

It was all what i thought it would be and much much more..there were twists and turns i didn't expected..but they were pleasant nonethele

Note:May contain some spoilers!


OMG!Omg!Ceaseless is here..OMG!!

I LOVE the cover..i think i love all the three covers...they hold a mystery to be unfolded..but this one was best!

I have been waiting for Ceaseless for such long time that i didn't waste time and read the whole book in one sitting...and it was totally worth loosing my study time for a few hours.

It was all what i thought it would be and much much more..there were twists and turns i didn't expected..but they were pleasant nonetheless.

Dank has never thought he - death- could fall in love..but pagan proved it wrong..he was attracted to her for all wrong and right reasons..every time he tried to go away from her..he got more closer to her.He can't stop loving her,protecting her - from death itself and also the vodoo spirits who wanted claim on pagan's soul.After all troubles he and pagan has faced .. he thought that there is now only "Happily ever after"..but boy he was wrong.

The deity has a test and now pagan has to pass it..cos every soul has a mate and pagan is not her's originally and so she has a choice she has to make..Dank or her Soul mate..but when all her memories of dank has been swiped off will she still remember him or will she try to run away and claim her soul mate.

Having no memories of him but still attracted in a way only her heart knows..pagan want nothing but loose herself in arms of dank walker..the hot and mysterious band singer..but run away at same time..jay's rekindled friendship,her BFF mirinda loosing in Nathan and her new roommate Gee -emo chick- is not helping either.

Dank wants nothing more to be with pagan her whole life and eternity..but will pagan want it too..with her lost memories and a competition from her soul mate..Dank has to do more than protect pagan..he has to make her fall in love with him..all over again..and boy he tries hard..too hard..but with leif,jay and the deity herself trying to interfere it's more trouble than he expected..even from pagan herself!

Can they both get back to each other before choices,memories,soul mates,the deity and the death make them apart?

I loved each and every word and i was sooo deep into it ..fully immersed in the story that i was sad when it was over..i was literally on the edge of my seat trying to devour all the pages...especially the hot and heavy stuff..i mean come on it has to's last in series right?...(Fans herself to stop getting herself hot thinking about Pagan and Dank on bed).

Seeing dank trying to win pagan's heart all over again,Gee trying hard to make these both closer,Mirinda and Nathan's love story,Jay's empty connection which he tries to connect,leif's guest appearance..and the end ..OMG!I didn't expect it and i sooo loved it..and there couldn't be any other BEST end than it was!

I can't believe the series is over..i loved Dank so much that i get dreams of him..*sighs and shakes her head *!Ofcourse death never looked so sexy before *goes to lala land day dreaming him without shirt(i loved that scene BTW)*..i mean who doesn't want a death like him?

I haven't tried abbi's contemporary but i will soon..but i really really hope Abbi writes more paranormal..we need more books like this..pretty please abbi? I(we) would love you venturing more paranorma'ls..u have a way of writing them and capturing souls like me ;)

Wow i think we are getting some of the best books this year and i am sad to see most of them are last in the series :( ..(Why oh god why?!)..but well where there is one ending there's a new beginning..and i am waiting for that!

Abbi..u rock and i am gonna miss Dank and his lovely songs the most.

Reem Hardan
Apr 04, 2012 rated it it was amazing
Is it even possible for me not to love a book by Abbi Glines?!
Uuuugh how I missed Dank!!1 This one was a pure torment, a new kind of torture!!!
I loved it!!! I'm actually sad that it ended, the book, the Trilogy, that's it no more Dank ? *sobs*!!!!
I'm editing my review because I wrote the first one in a hurry, and my emotions were all over the floor, so now I have it all organized (It is in my head)and here we go:
When I read Existence (yes I must mention the first two) I didn't know what
Is it even possible for me not to love a book by Abbi Glines?!
Uuuugh how I missed Dank!!1 This one was a pure torment, a new kind of torture!!!
I loved it!!! I'm actually sad that it ended, the book, the Trilogy, that's it no more Dank ? *sobs*!!!!
I'm editing my review because I wrote the first one in a hurry, and my emotions were all over the floor, so now I have it all organized (It is in my head)and here we go:
When I read Existence (yes I must mention the first two) I didn't know what to expect, first of all when I read it I read no synopsis for it, I just read it because a friend of mine recommended it to me saying it's for the same author of Breathe, so I took a chance and read, and darn that one literally blowed my mind , and I said it's the best paranormal book I ever read, and I still think so, I mean Death ,and the name Dank, Rock star, hot much?!
So after I read Existence I became a stalker of everything that Abbi Glines write,and then I read Predestined with a voice in my head that fits Dank's (The song Yet you Stay), and I fell in love with Dank Walker all over again!!! And I spent five months waiting for this one to come out!!!
I must say I loved this Trilogy because you never know what will happen next, or the reason for the things that happens in the plot, more important the explanation of the things that are happening , and the things that we never knew happened in the first place is just mind blowing!! And I loved it especially in Predestined , how Leif, and Pagan's ability to see souls connected....I mean I never would have seen that coming!
The other reason for loving this Trilogy is called "Dank Walker", sexy, hot, handsome, sweet, with startling blue eyes,dark hair, rich raspy voice,cool and confident one second but vulnerable and hurt the next and I quote "Great . Now he looked worried. How did someone like him appear so hard and untouchable one minute , then sensitive and hurt the next ? He was one big contradiction." I mean what's not to love people!
I am more than sad that the trilogy is over, it had been great journey reading it, fun ride, breath taking adventure, and this will always be one of the very best.
Quote from Ceaseless:
" I realized you owned me one night in this room. I was singing to you and you were sleeping. You made a little sound in your sleep like you were distressed and I panicked and ran to your side. You grabbed my arm in your sleep and pulled it up against your face and went back to sle ep. I didn't want to ever move." He stood up and walked over to me. "I knew then that I had never understood what humans called love. But that if it was anything close to the power you held over me, then no wonder they searched for it so passionately."-Dank Walker.
Jacqueline's Reads
4 Dank lovin' stars


It only took me over two years, but yes, I am done and I have to say, I really enjoyed Ceaseless.

There will be spoilers from the previous books.

So Pagan lost her memory. Dank has to get Pagan to love him again and choose him or Pagan will never regain her memory!

I loved the plot. To have Dank so torn up and pursuing Pagan was a treat to read. Ceseless wasn't over the top, there wasn't a lot of action, drama, but there was plenty of he

4 Dank lovin' stars


It only took me over two years, but yes, I am done and I have to say, I really enjoyed Ceaseless.

There will be spoilers from the previous books.

So Pagan lost her memory. Dank has to get Pagan to love him again and choose him or Pagan will never regain her memory!

I loved the plot. To have Dank so torn up and pursuing Pagan was a treat to read. Ceseless wasn't over the top, there wasn't a lot of action, drama, but there was plenty of heart filled romance. It will make you swoon and you will fall in love with Dank all over again. Of course there will be tension between past lover Jay so there is a slight love triangle and even Leif makes an appearance.


I read this in one sitting and I can't believe it took me so long to finish this sweet young adult series. Read it, it's the perfect conclusion.

Series Order
Existence (Existence Trilogy, #1) by Abbi Glines AMAZON
Predestined (Existence Trilogy, #2) by Abbi Glines REVIEW | AMAZON
Ceaseless (Existence Trilogy, #3) by Abbi GlinesAMAZON

For more reviews,

Oct 10, 2012 rated it really liked it
3.75 stars or 4...I can't decide. It was good, better than good but I think I was hoping for a little more. Don't get me wrong, I read it very quickly and it kept me interested but it just seemed anti-climactic in some way. It ended the way I wanted it to end so really I can't put my finger on it. I almost feel like this wasn't the final book in the series but maybe I have just become accustomed to epic epilogues.

What I did love is the Abbi Glines signature touch. I really LOVE the way Abbi Glin

3.75 stars or 4...I can't decide. It was good, better than good but I think I was hoping for a little more. Don't get me wrong, I read it very quickly and it kept me interested but it just seemed anti-climactic in some way. It ended the way I wanted it to end so really I can't put my finger on it. I almost feel like this wasn't the final book in the series but maybe I have just become accustomed to epic epilogues.

What I did love is the Abbi Glines signature touch. I really LOVE the way Abbi Glines tells a story. She creates characters you fall in love with and the dialogue always feels right. Her characters don't do stupid and don't frustrate me the way some can by fighting so hard against what should be. She doesn't make us suffer with miscommunications that end up ruining a large portion of the story. I especially love the southern roots of the stories/characters; I always feel transported down south for a bit.

For fans of this series: you will be under Dank's spell once again because he seriously pulls out all the stops to make Pagan fall in love with him again. As usual he is utterly swoon worthy. He is sex appeal all wrapped up in a dark mysterious package and you can't help but fall in love with Death. AND - Pagan is one my favorite heroines. She is smart, confident and trusts her emotions; she does not self-sabotage and second guess her instincts.

I would highly recommend a refresher by re-reading book 2 and Leif before tackling this (or at least re-reading the last few chapters of both). I didn't and wished I had because I was having a hard time remembering certain things, deals, sacrifices, rules, etc.

Oh thank you, Abbi. This novel was definitely a dedication to all us Dank Walker fans. Because he has to win over Pagan's heart all over again, Dank really gets a chance to shine and make us swoon once again as he showcases his love and utter devotion to Pagan. I just enjoyed this novel so much--I thought it was the perfect ending to this lovely series. How Abbi chose to conclude all of the problems that were holding Dank and Pagan apart was brilliant. I loved all the romantic moments between th Oh thank you, Abbi. This novel was definitely a dedication to all us Dank Walker fans. Because he has to win over Pagan's heart all over again, Dank really gets a chance to shine and make us swoon once again as he showcases his love and utter devotion to Pagan. I just enjoyed this novel so much--I thought it was the perfect ending to this lovely series. How Abbi chose to conclude all of the problems that were holding Dank and Pagan apart was brilliant. I loved all the romantic moments between them and how Dank is not afraid to let his feelings for Pagan show, even though he may lose her forever.

Overall, this was a great ending. I've fallen in love with this story and characters, so this was a great goodbye. Abbi, you did a fantabulous job, and thank you for some great moments between Dank and Pagan. Definitely one of my favorites, so give this series a read!

Oh god I'm actually afraid to read this when it comes out and not only ecause I was an emotional reck reading PREDESTINED... But because sometimes writers loose there touch when they hit a certain amount of books, I feel sometimes they need to leave some stories untold but then again I want more Dank and Pagen moments so yeh I'm just going to shut up and like start a calendar countdown till CEASELESS comes out because what I am interested in is how Abbi Glines is going to wrap Wyatts new story a Oh god I'm actually afraid to read this when it comes out and not only ecause I was an emotional reck reading PREDESTINED... But because sometimes writers loose there touch when they hit a certain amount of books, I feel sometimes they need to leave some stories untold but then again I want more Dank and Pagen moments so yeh I'm just going to shut up and like start a calendar countdown till CEASELESS comes out because what I am interested in is how Abbi Glines is going to wrap Wyatts new story around our heads! I'm sure though, going by the first and second installments she has got the characters backgrounds down to a tee, so I feel this books may be the make it or break it book. Looks like we may just have to wait till September to find out.

~Bianca xxx

Amy | Foxy Blogs
Jul 12, 2012 rated it really liked it
NOOO. Please! Can't we just leave it at graduation? Who cares about Jay!? If Dank and Pagan break up, or if she hurts him, I'm not going to make it. I'm really actually terrified to read this one. Can't we have gotten a book about her on being on the path to immortality like was hinted at the end of the first book? Wouldn't that have been better and a lot less emotionally damaging? Jeez. I'm have a very bittersweet attitude towards this book. I want more of the story but if Pagan gets with Jay.. NOOO. Please! Can't we just leave it at graduation? Who cares about Jay!? If Dank and Pagan break up, or if she hurts him, I'm not going to make it. I'm really actually terrified to read this one. Can't we have gotten a book about her on being on the path to immortality like was hinted at the end of the first book? Wouldn't that have been better and a lot less emotionally damaging? Jeez. I'm have a very bittersweet attitude towards this book. I want more of the story but if Pagan gets with Jay... I won't be able to handle my feels. ...more
Jul 17, 2012 rated it it was ok
Kinda disappointed. What I loved about this series, especially the last book was the crazy adventures that Pagen, Dank and Gee got themselves into. But this book felt so rushed and tided up in a nice little bow. I mean I love stories with happy endings, especially when the author gives them a reprieve on the action, but I felt really underwhelmed reading this.
Jul 17, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Boy oh boy. I was sad to see this series end.

This author is definitely added to my watch list now.

Sofi Mascaró
Feb 21, 2016 rated it it was amazing
I read this amazing book in four hours last night.
It's just the sinopsis! You just can't say that Pagan will have her memories erased just because her soulmate is Jay!
#TeamDank forever!!!

It's been a few days since I finished this beautiful trilogy and I still can't... The feels are stronger than me. I've been listening to Dank Walker's Yet you stay on Youtube and even though it's not like I thought it would be it's still a beautiful song.

You weren't mea
I read this amazing book in four hours last night.
It's just the sinopsis! You just can't say that Pagan will have her memories erased just because her soulmate is Jay!
#TeamDank forever!!!

It's been a few days since I finished this beautiful trilogy and I still can't... The feels are stronger than me. I've been listening to Dank Walker's Yet you stay on Youtube and even though it's not like I thought it would be it's still a beautiful song.

You weren't meant for the ice, You weren't made for the pain
The world that lives inside of me, brought only shame
You were meant for castles and living in the sun
The cold running through me should have made you run

Yet you stay
Holding on to me, yet you stay
Reaching out a hand that i push away
Yet you stay
When I know it's not right for you
Yet you stay
Yet you stay

This book starts in the most impossible way: Pagan's memories of her encounters with Death have been erased. Why? Because her soulmate is Jay. Now Dank will have to do everything he can to gain Pagan's heart again... and by everything I mean stalking her, asking her out, inviting her to his concerts and having very hot moments with her (and I mean reaaally hot). The good thing is that Pagan feels in her heart that she knows him and she is not even interested in Jay (her ex boyfriend during high school), but will that be enough for them?

This left me speechless. There were really funny scenes (view spoiler)[when Dank is invisible in Pagan's room and she starts to get her clothes off, his thoughts are the best! (hide spoiler)] along with very hot ones (view spoiler)[the first kiss, the hot scene in the library and the very final one that I've been waiting for since the first book! (hide spoiler)]. Gee and Miranda were very important characters and, to my surprise, even Leif showed up (view spoiler)[f*** you, Leif, you didn't have to do that! (hide spoiler)]
It was an entire rollecoaster: I wasn't even able to predict what might happen. Dank's POV, as usual, was the best even though I suffered like a baby every time something related to the past books appeared.

I passed this book to my sister and I hope she reads it. I want the whole world to read this trilogy. It's the sweetest thing ever!!!

Ha pasado un par de días desde que terminé esta hermosa trilogía y que todavía no puedo... Los feels son más fuertes que yo. He estado escuchando a Dank Walker Sin embargo, te quedas en Youtube y, a pesar de que no es como yo pensaba que sería, es una hermosa canción.

No estabas destinada para el hielo
No te hicieron para el dolor.
El mundo que vive dentro de mi
No era el mundo que estabas destinada a contener
Estabas destinada para los castillos
Y la vida bajo el sol
El frío corriendo a través de mi
Debería haberte hecho correr

Sin embargo, te quedas
Aferrándote a mí
Sin embargo, te quedas
Extendiendo la mano que empujo lejos
El frío no es para ti
Sin embargo, te quedas
Cuando yo se que no es correcto para ti
Sin embargo, te quedas

Este libro comienza de la manera más imposible: los recuerdos de sus encuentros con la Muerte de Pagan se han borrado. ¿Por qué? Debido a que su alma gemela es Jay. Ahora Dank tendrá que hacer todo lo posible para ganar el corazón del Pagan de nuevo... y por todo significará acecho, invitarla a salir, invitarla a sus conciertos y tener momentos muy calientes con ella (y me refiero a muuuuuy calientes). Lo bueno es que Pagan siente en su corazón que ella lo sabe y ella ni siquiera está interesada en Jay (su ex novio durante la escuela secundaria), pero ¿será suficiente para ellos?

Esto me dejó sin habla. Hubo escenas realmente divertidas (view spoiler)[ cuando Dank es invisible en la habitación de Pagan y ella comienza a sacarse su ropa, sus pensamientos son los mejores! (hide spoiler)] junto con los muy calientes (view spoiler)[ el primer beso, la escena caliente en la biblioteca y el muy final que he estado esperando desde el primer libro! (hide spoiler)]. Gee y Miranda eran personajes muy importantes y, para mi sorpresa, incluso Leif apareció (view spoiler)[ f *** you, Leif, no tenías que hacer eso! (hide spoiler)]
Fue todo una montaña rusa: ni siquiera era capaz de predecir lo que podría suceder. El punto de vista de Dank, como de costumbre, fue el mejor a pesar de que he sufrido como una bebé cada vez que algo relacionado con los últimos libros apareció.

Le pasé este libro a mi hermana y espero que lo lea. Quiero que todo el mundo lea esta trilogía. ¡¡¡Es lo más dulce que hay!!!

topics posts views last activity
Crazy for Young A...: Ceaseless (Existence Trilogy #3) by Abbi Glines → Start Date: April 2nd, 2017 41 31 Apr 03, 2017 09:31PM
Should there be another book? 28 187 Nov 25, 2015 09:27AM
Kindle Book Sharing: * Ceaseless (Existence, #3) 1 9 Mar 01, 2014 05:02AM
Gee 5 42 Aug 18, 2013 02:24AM
What did you think? 16 158 Apr 15, 2013 03:21PM
Buddy Read Zone: Ceaseless (Existence Trilogy, #3) 70 48 Jan 10, 2013 01:47AM
Leif 4 65 Sep 13, 2012 03:01PM
Abbi Glines is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Rosemary Beach, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, Field Party and Existence series. She never cooks unless baking during the Christmas holiday counts. She believes in ghosts and has a habit of asking people if their house is haunted before she goes in it. She drinks afternoon tea because she wants to be Britis Abbi Glines is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Rosemary Beach, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, Field Party and Existence series. She never cooks unless baking during the Christmas holiday counts. She believes in ghosts and has a habit of asking people if their house is haunted before she goes in it. She drinks afternoon tea because she wants to be British but alas she was born in Alabama. When asked how many books she has written she has to stop and count on her fingers. When she's not locked away writing, she is reading, shopping (major shoe and purse addiction), sneaking off to the movies alone, and listening to the drama in her teenagers lives while making mental notes on the good stuff to use later. Don't judge.

You can connect with Abbi online in several different ways. She uses social media to procrastinate.


Other books in the series

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"I knew then that I had never understood what humans called love. But if that was anything close to the power you held over me, then no wonder they searched for it so passionately."
I reached out and pulled him into bed with me. "You're going to be late."
"Why ?"
"Because after hearing that I can't let you leave until I've had my fill. Get naked, Dankmar."
"What if she never remembers?"

"Then you better make her fall in love with you, again."

"How did I do it the first time?"

"You let her in."

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